Update! You can download BlitzCache from nuget now
Caching is necessary
Over the years I have used a lot of caching. In fact, I consider that some things like user permissions should normally have a cache of at least one minute.
Blitzkrieg Caching
Even when a method is cached there are cases when it is called again before it has finished the first time and this results in a new request to the database, and this time much slower. This is what I call The Blitzkrieg Scenario.
The slowest the query the more probabilities you have for this to happen and the worse the impact. I have seen too many times SQL Server freeze in the struggle of replying to the exact same query while the query is already being executed...
The LockDictionary
Instead of having a lock in my cache service that will lock all the parallel calls indiscriminately I have a dictionary of locks to lock by cache key.
public static class LockDictionary { private static readonly object dictionaryLock = new object(); private static readonly Dictionary<string, object> locks = new Dictionary<string, object>(); public static object Get(string key) { if (!locks.ContainsKey(key)) { lock (dictionaryLock) { if (!locks.ContainsKey(key)) locks.Add(key, new object()); } } return locks[key]; } }With this I can very easily select what I want to lock
Now I can check if something is cached and return it or lock that call in particular and calculate the value of the function passed as a parameter.
public class CacheService : ICacheService { private readonly IMemoryCache memoryCache; public CacheService(IMemoryCache memoryCache) { this.memoryCache = memoryCache; } public T GetBlitzkriegLocking<T>(string cacheKey, Func<T> function, double milliseconds) { if (memoryCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out T result)) return result; lock (LockDictionary.Get(cacheKey)) { if (memoryCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out result)) return result; result = function.Invoke(); memoryCache.Set(cacheKey, result, DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(milliseconds)); } return result; } }And how do I use it?
var completionInfo = cacheService.GetBlitzkriegLocking($"CompletionInfo-{legalEntityDto.Id}", () => GetCompletionInfoDictionary(legalEntityDto), 500)); //Look ma, I am caching this for just 500 milliseconds and it really makes a differenceI find this method extremely useful but sometimes the function I am calling needs to be awaited... And you Cannot await in the body of a lock statement. What do I do?
The SemaphoreDictionary
Semaphores do allow you to await whatever you need, in fact they themselves are awaitable. If we translate the LockDictionary class to use semaphores it looks like this:
public static class SemaphoreDictionary { private static readonly object dictionaryLock = new object(); private static Dictionary<string, SemaphoreSlim> locks = new Dictionary<string, SemaphoreSlim>(); public static SemaphoreSlim Get(string key) { if (!locks.ContainsKey(key)) { lock (dictionaryLock) { if (!locks.ContainsKey(key)) locks.Add(key, new SemaphoreSlim(1,1)); } } return locks[key]; } }And using this I can await calls while I am locking stuff.
The Awaitable GetBlitzkriegLocking
The main rule about semaphores is that you must make sure you release them or they will be locked forever.
public async Task<T> GetBlitzkriegLocking<T>(string cacheKey, Func<Task<T>> function, double milliseconds) { if (memoryCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out T result)) return result; var semaphore = SemaphoreDictionary.Get(cacheKey); try { await semaphore.WaitAsync(); if (!memoryCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out result)) { result = await function.Invoke(); memoryCache.Set(cacheKey, result, DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(milliseconds)); } } finally { semaphore.Release(); } return result; }And how do I use it?
await cache.GetBlitzkriegLocking($"RequestPermissions-{userSid}-{workplace}", () => RequestPermissionsAsync(userSid, workplace), 60 * 1000);Please give these methods a try and let me know how you would improve them. I am using them every now and then and I really enjoy how they simplify the code. I hope you like them too.
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