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StratexStudio is in the Store

A couple of days ago we finally managed to get StratexStudio certified and published.

Our StratexLive users will be able to connect to their company site using their credentials and the StratexLive URL and start using their Surfaces to show the other board members how good their enterprises are doing and how shiny their new Windows 8 devices are.

The new application has dashboards to measure the Performance, Risks and Controls as well as the activity in the portal and a nested view of the organization hierarchy.

Have a look at the Windows Store page of the StratexStudio to get more pictures and if you have Windows 8 download it and give it a go, it’s free.

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Click works but Tapped Crashes on Windows 8

Our app has been rejected from the store because it crashes when the user taps in a GridView. As we don’t have a proper surface we were using the simulator to test our software but with the mouse tool not with the finger and it was working perfectly…

It crashes every time you tap in an item in a GridView and it’s funny, funny peculiar, not funny ha ha, because it crashes right in the tap, the code doesn't even get to the call-back, it just crashes. The crash info is not useful, as expected.

Looks like there’s a bug in the GridView and after it’s assigned to a populated DataContext it needs to be refreshed before it accepts Taps, even though it works fine with Clicks.

There’s no way or I haven’t found it of refreshing the UI in WinRT which I reckon it will solve this issue, so I have taken two different approaches to solve this bug.

  • Fast loading dashboards: I am preloading the contents of the fast loading dashboards once the app is executed. Doing this I get all of the GridViews populated in a page that is not being displayed to the users, in the background. Once the page where the GridView is selected by the user it’s rendered along with the GridView object refreshing it.
  • Slow loading dashboards: I am preloading the contents on this dashboards too but if the user clicks them right after the app loads they will still be loading causing the GridView to render just once after the DataContext is populated. In this cases I have changed the behaviour of the dashboard and I’m assigning the DataContext before and updating it several times, once every new chunk of data is received. This way the GridView gets refreshed once per chunk of new information and the issue with the tapping is solved.

The guys at the Windows Store App Lab said they will find a proper solution to this issue but I think this is the kind of bug that will be fixed through windows update. Anyway I’ll keep you posted if they come back with something new.

A Microsoft's expert pointed out that if you create and populate the GridView in code and add it to the page  it will work as expected. I've tested this and it's true.

The templates in my GridViews are complex so I'll make them user controls so I can create and populate them in code without loosing the MVVM approach. I still haven't tested this.

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Connecting VS2010 to the new (TFS2012)

It looks cool and it’s free for 5 or less users, (looks like it will be free for bigger teams with the MSDN Subscriptions) how come we are not already using it?

We are indeed using it for our Windows Metro App but for our SharePoint 2010 code we are still using the good old TFS2010.

We have documentation about how to connect VS2010 to the new TFS but, as usual, I'm afraid it won't be that easy.

Our Visual Studios 2010 have already been updated with the Service Pack 1 so all we need now is the KB2662296.

This patch can be installed from windows update or downloaded conveniently form here.

The first time I executed the file it complained about some missing requirements. I checked that I had the SP1 installed in visual studio and it was… so ran it again and it worked the second time. Everybody knows software must work at least once every three times before it can be considered ready to be delivered.

It took a while to install and finally it required a restart of the computer.

After the installation and the restart I tried to connect to the new team project from the “Open new instance of Visual Studio” link but it didn't work.

OK, the next guess is to add the team foundation server from the VS2010 as always… CTRL+C, CTRL+V of the URL and click next… And it worked!

I can’t wait to see that burndown chart showing the team’s progress!


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