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Get Cortana in Windows 10 Desktop Outside the US

One of the features I wanted to test the most on the new release of Windows 10 was Cortana but living outside the US it was disabled :(

Fear not, it will take seconds to have the system configured.

Look for Region and Language Settings in the search bar where Cortana should be and open it.

There change your location to United States and then click on Add a language. Of course the language you need to add is English (United States) then make English (United States) your primary language (you don't need to remove your other languages or keyboards).

Once your screen look like this:

Reset the machine and you'll have Cortana waiting for you there.

If you are anything like me you would be yelling "Hey Cortana" to the computer closer and closer to the mic. Don't. Before it works you need to configure it. Click on the search bar, look for the hamburguer icon and click on Settings:

And finally enable everything :)

And now say: "Hey Cortana, How are you doing?"

She's so polite...

I just need to ask her why the accent colour of my Windows is suddenly brown U_U

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