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No more recursive functions to define CAML Queries thanks to Camlex

Some times you have a random number of conditions to check in a CAML query and in those cases I used to define the queries using a random recursive function that I usually have to debug a few times works perfectly on the first go.

The code for those queries would be something like this (and this is a simple one):

public List<string> GetSomeInfo(string fieldsToSearch, string contentTypesToSearch)

    var queryval = string.Empty;
    if (contentTypesToSearch.IsNullOrEmpty())
        queryval = string.Format("<Where>" + GenerateFieldsQuery(fieldsToSearch.Split(','), 0) + "</Where>", text);
        queryval = string.Format("<Where><And>" + GenerateCTypesQuery(contentTypesToSearch.Split(','), 0) + GenerateFieldsQuery(fieldsToSearch.Split(','), 0) + "</And></Where>", text);

    var scope = "Scope=\"RecursiveAll\"";


private static string GenerateFieldsQuery(string[] fields, int index)
    if (fields.Length == 0) return string.Empty;

    if (fields.Length == index + 1)
        return "<Contains><FieldRef Name='" + fields[index] + "' /><Value Type='Text'>{0}</Value></Contains>";

    return "<Or><Contains><FieldRef Name='" + fields[index] + "' /><Value Type='Text'>{0}</Value></Contains>" + GenerateFieldsQuery(fields, ++index) + "</Or>";

private static string GenerateCTypesQuery(string[] cTypes, int index)
    if (cTypes.Length == 0) return string.Empty;

    if (cTypes.Length == index + 1)
        return "<Eq><FieldRef Name='ContentType' /><Value Type='Choice'>" + cTypes[index] + "</Value></Eq>";

    return "<Or><Eq><FieldRef Name='ContentType' /><Value Type='Choice'>" + cTypes[index] + "</Value></Eq>" + GenerateCTypesQuery(cTypes, ++index) + "</Or>";

That was until now... Thanks to Camlex (and thanks to Luis for showing it to me), that code can be written like this:

public List<string> GetSomeInfo(string fieldsToSearch, string contentTypesToSearch)

    var queryVal = string.Empty;
    var fieldExtensions = new List<Expression<Func<SPListItem, bool>>>();
    var cTypeExtensions = new List<Expression<Func<SPListItem, bool>>>();

    if (!contentTypesToSearch.IsNullOrEmpty())
        foreach (var cType in contentTypesToSearch.Split(','))
            cTypeExtensions.Add(x => (string)x["ContentType"] == cType);

    foreach (var field in fieldsToSearch.Split(','))
        fieldExtensions.Add(x => ((string)x[field]).Contains(text));

    var expressions = new List<Expression<Func<SPListItem, bool>>>();

    queryVal = Camlex.Query().WhereAll(expressions).ToString();


I'll miss the recursive methods though... they made me feel special...

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