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Geeky T-Shirt For Free... Count me on Xamarin!

I firmly believe that once the majority of the desktop computers of the world are capable of running Microsoft Store applications (Windows 10 will be released in July 29) the natural way for developing anything will be using the Microsoft Store I usually get excited whenever Microsoft says anything, excited or angry, but mostly excited because I am quite a naïve guy.

But even though, in the same way some android and IOS developers port their applications to the Microsoft Store, we might need to port our applications to other platforms, the other markets will be ridiculously small, but still.

I have been waiting for the right opportunity to give Xamarin a go and now, for a free t-shirt that we are exploring new platforms for a new tablet project, seems like the right moment.

The installation process in my Surface 3 Pro has not been easy. I struggled to make it run in VS2015 and started using the Xamarin Studio. I had one small issue with XS, nothing that 30 second in the Xamarin forums could not fix. All looked good, but then when I tried starting the application in the virtual devices I couldn't. Using real hardware was not an option because I only have Windows Phones at home 6.1 to 10.

I found the solution getting and installing the Xamarin Player, after that which also installed VBox, I downloaded and configured a Nexus 4 VM.

In the last step after you select which t-shirt you want you need to go to the code and do one small change. Even though the change was small it made me feel more inclined to hack through the code and modify it to do something else.

I can't wait to get the t-shirt and be one of the LINQ do the process if you want to know what i mean here.

Oh and the app has a lot of code that you will probably reuse too... another gift!

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